Thursday, September 04, 2008


Forgive us, friends, for we have blog-sinned. It's been quite a while since we last posted.

Sorry ‘bout that.

There was, of course, a reason, but if it’s all the same to you we’re going to take a pass on the long, boring explanation, and just get on with it!

Moon Goddesses and the womanly art of intuition were featured a recent edition of The Goddess Gift Newsletter. (Feeling deprived because you missed it?? Just use the link on the right to get your own free copy delivered straight to your mailbox each month.)

The Greek goddess Artemis is a well-known example of a moon goddess; Hecate is another. These goddesses are associated with the moon because of their 'diffuse light' or knowledge. In other words, their intuition.

An intuitive way of knowing can be described as "understanding or knowing based directly on your experience of something without using reasoning or the application of your logical, analytical mind". Intuition is the work of your right brain . . . in essence, intuition can be described as your "gut feelings", the voice of your inner guide.

Newsletter subscribers were invited to take a 'Moon Goddess Quiz' to see how intuitive they were. Hundreds took it. Here's the test again for those of you who haven't seen it yet. Then
compare your results to those who took the survey.

Which way is she turning?
Clockwise? Counter-clockwise?
What do YOU see her doing?
What does your "gut" tell you?

If you thought:

Clockwise . . . then you use more of the right side of the brain, i.e. you tend to be "right-brained". Right-brained individuals are generally thought of as more imaginative and intuitive (they "get it", sense the meaning underlying events and messages).

They tend to "see the big picture" instead of focusing on details and are at home with the interpretation of symbols and images. Right brained individuals are oriented both to the present and the future.

Counter-clockwise . . . then you tend to use the left side of the brain the most, i.e. you tend to be "left-brained". Left-brained individuals are generally thought of as more logical, detail oriented, relying on facts and appreciating a sense of order.

They are practical people. Knowing and understanding things is important to them. Left brained individuals are often more oriented to the past and the present.

I must be losing my mind . . . she goes one direction for a while and then the other. No, you weren't hallucinating . . . you apparently function in both sides of your brain and, most importantly, HAVE A STRONG CONNECTION BETWEEN THE TWO!

So.....leave a comment and let everyone know how YOU scored!

1 comment:

Penelope said...

I can't believe it; she changed directions so many times! I thought it was some sort of trick, so I rewound the video, and she was dancing in a different direction in the same spot each time! Thanks for the great quiz!